Wednesday, 28 September 2011

A New Project...

This Saturday sees the beginning of a new and unique 12-month project: The Life Regime. For 12 months, every single thing I do will be decided by a strict regime, designed to optimise health and happiness. 6am starts, boxing workouts, meditation, superfoods, morning jogs and brain gym are just the start! Will it work? Can a strict lifestyle really lead to happiness? Find out more at this Saturday, the 1st of October, as the new Regime begins... Read more!

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Getting To Know Me Part 2 - Personality

Hello World!

In my continued exploration of myself and my personality, I decided it would be fruitful to do a personality test. Most would use the Jungs one (the most famous one that assigns you 4 letters dependent on your answers in a survey), but it can't decide if I'm ENTJ, INTJ, ENFJ or INFJ. Therefore, I found another one which I believe gives a better analysis.

It splits personality into three areas: the level of your extraversion (how talkative/outgoing you are), my neuroticism (whether you're calm/secure or anxious/depressed), and your psychoticism.

Eysenck's Test Results
Extraversion (54%) medium which suggests you are moderately talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting.
Neuroticism (9%) very low which suggests you are extremely relaxed, calm, secure and optimistic.
Psychoticism (31%) moderately low which suggests you are, at times, overly kind natured, trusting, and helpful at the expense of your own individual development (martyr complex).

I like graphs and tables. I should use them in my blog more often.

Or not, whatever.

The Gent

(p.s. Feel free to take the test yourselves and post your results in the Comments section!)

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Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Getting To Know Me Part 1 - The Questionnaire

Greetings World!

I was thinking, just the other hour, about how annoying and stupid I used to find some survey things online or on social networking sites could be. You know, the ones with a whole list of questions, like 'Brown bread or white bread?'. People used to clutter up Bebo (Yes, I used to have a Bebo account! Don't judge me!) completing them, and I always turned my nose up and walked away (metaphorically of course). However, I have mellowed in my old age, and can see the possible insights that my readership may gain about myself and my life if I were to complete such a survey. So, behold, my first ever completed Personality Quiz:

Oh, and by the way, you need to click on 'Read More' (just below) to read entire posts. Some readers, not naming any names (*cough*MadamJouve*cough), were not aware of this, and have been viewing only the first paragraph of each post. I apologize for any inconvenience. Also, there's a slight glitch, so you'll have to scroll down a little way (past a random snippet of the post) to click 'Read More'. I've tried to fix it, but it hasn't worked. Very annoying I know.

Apple juice or orange juice? Orange juice! Best drunk with eggs I find.

Are you a morning or night person? Both. I see no reason why I should be one or the other. Saying that, I'm more likely to have fun in the evening (possibly just because that's when party's tend to be held, and when alcoholic beverages tend to be drunk). Nevertheless, if someone had a morning party with vodka, I'm sure I'd be there.

Which do you prefer, sweet or salty foods? Kind of neither. I'm not a massive fan of overly sugary stuff, yet I don't like salt. 

Ninjas or pirates? I have no preference. I enjoy fictional accounts of both, and would be equally scared by both.

Ninjas vs pirates, discuss. Already done as far as I am willing to do. See above.

Autobots or Decepticons? I have no idea what you are talking about.

What was your favorite childhood television program? The Simpsons. My first ever memory is watching The Simpsons on TV. I used to sit on the floor between my big brother and my big sister, with The Simpsons on in front of us. It taught me everything about life. It practically raised me. I even guessed how a man and a woman have sex just watching The Simpsons (I'll explain another time.)

Are you a collector of anything? No. Well, I suppose I get every Doctor Who Magazine if that counts. And I have a massive box which every Radio Times from the last two years has been thrown in (I say thrown, I mean filed in chronological order. Seriously, it's useful for reference purposes). So, maybe I actually do. Yes.

If you could be any animal, what would you be? I don't like the idea of being anywhere unclean for a prolonged amount of time, so I'd probably have to stay a human. I like my comforts.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Invisibility. Just to be nosy really. 

What is usually your first thought when you wake up? What I need to remember to do. Seriously, the second I wake up, a whole bullet pointed list forms in front of me in my mind.

What do you usually think about right before falling asleep? Think about all the things I need to remember to do tomorrow. This ensures that they are the first thing I think of the next morning.

What's your favorite color? Red. 

What's your favorite animal? Ostriches, emus and dogs. Can't choose.

Do you believe in extraterrestrials or life on other planets? I suppose. It's not something I really fret about though.

Do you believe in ghosts? No.

Ever been addicted to a video/computer game? Which one(s)? I don't play computer games. Therefore, no.

You're given 1 million pounds, what do you spend it on? Umm, lots of things. I'd put it in the bank though and not spend it all. A million pounds can last a long time. In fact, with interest, it could probably last you most of your life.

Have any bad habits? I don't think so no. If anyone disagrees, feel free to tell me.

Which bad habits, if any, drive you crazy? Oh God where to begin. Licking your fingers before turning a page, biting your fingernails, talking while I'm trying to watch something, talking while I'm trying to think, talking while I'm talking to someone else, incessant tapping, people being self-deprecating and critical of themselves, chronic lateness, people getting stressed, people getting angry, spitting, aggressive driving, whining/moaning ...  I'm going to stop there.

List 5 of your best personality traits: Self-confidence, happiness, niceness, not overly emotional, don't like conflict

List 5 of your worst personality traits: 
Self-confidence going too far, happiness going too far, niceness going too far, lack of emotions going too far, dislike of conflict going too far

Have any celebrity crushes? Marc Warren, Russel Tovey, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, David Tennant, Matt Smith and John Simm. (And maybe a little bit of Nigella.)

List 1 thing you wish you could change about yourself: Nothing. I like myself.

Any tattoos or piercings? Good God no.

What's the first thing you notice in the opposite sex? ...that they're female. I don't know! Nothing in particular. 

What's the first thing you notice about your own gender? Face, eyes, body, hair, legs, torso, clothes. All at once.

What personality traits do you look for in a partner? Self-confident, happy, nice, but different to me. Maybe slightly less focussed and work-orientated. I like someone contrasted to me. Someone laid-back and pleasant. 

What personality traits do you dislike in other people? Low self-confidence, self-deprecation, nastiness. Pretty lenient about everything else.

Do you see yourself getting married in the next 5 years? I hope not. I'd be very worried about my sanity if I were to do that. 

Are you mostly a clean or messy person? I'm organised and tidy, but I like clutter. I like having a busy/overflowing room, but it has to be clean and organised. And the floor must be visible and crumb-free at all times.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? England. I love travelling and experiencing other countries, but I'd always want to come back here.

If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go? Just one? Hmm... Japan would be cool. But I'd rather finish exploring Europe first. Maybe Latvia. Because its name sounds like a made-up fantasy land.

List 5 goals on your life's to-do list: Be happy, be healthy, make others happy (and healthy), have an enjoyable (and preferably high-paying) job, be successful (and therefore happy and healthy)

Name 1 regret you have: None. Occasionally I unintentionally insult/hurt someone, but I learn from it.

Name 1 thing you miss about being a kid: Playing make-believe games with toys in front of parents. Plotting out whole TV shows/books featuring my toys as characters. I'll have to put some of my ideas/stories that I did when I was younger up. Some are rather disturbing.

Name 1 thing you love about being an adult: Responsibility and pressure. I know that's two, but they come hand in hand. Plus the ability to get away with not caring what others think.

What's your favorite song of the moment? TikTok by Kesha. If I have lots of work to do, I put it on repeat. It makes me work twice as fast; it speeds up my brain. I've listened to it 97 times according to Itunes. I'm listening to it now in fact.

What's your favorite song of all time? Love Story Meets Viva La Vida (on the cello) by Jon Schmidt. It merges two pop songs, and turns them into something truly beautiful. 

What's your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night? Watch a TV boxset/film. Modern Family or The Simpsons if I have nothing else. Loving The Tudors at the moment. 

What's your favorite thing to do on a Sunday afternoon? Work. Saturday's the day for rest and going out and lazing about and watching TV. Although I take 2 hours off to get through Sunday Dinner. Yeah, that's a more normal-sounding answer. My favourite thing to do on a Sunday afternoon is eat loads.

Have any hidden talents? Not really. I'm good at doing work and playing the piano and organising things. But none of those things are really hidden.

You're about to walk the green mile, what do you have as your last meal? I cannot find out what 'the green mile' is. However, presuming it's something that may lead to death, I'd have to say a stir fry mixing all of my favourite foods. With extra spinach leaves.

What would be your dream job? Something fun that pays highly. Or a successful author. Or a TV Drama writer.

Which would you rather have, 100 million dollars or true love? True love. Honestly. I don't care too much for money, beyond having enough to be secure. What would I do with 100 million dollars?

If you could have 3 wishes granted, what would they be? 

1 - Make everyone I know happy with themselves and their lives.
2 - Bring my family all back together in one place again.
3 - Give me a happy life with a nice job and nice partner.

Ever wish you were born the opposite sex? If so, why? Good God no! I love being a man. I'd go insane if I was female. For one thing, I'd have to probably be around lots of other mean young girls being bullies and bitching about each other. (From my experience, 75% of girls between the ages of 10 and 15 are horrible. Being a boy allowed me to escape girls for most of this time by going to an all-boys school. I have been reunited with the "fairer" sex at a time when most are nice human beings again. Obviously, all my close female friends now were in the 25% that were nice between the ages of 10 and 15. I think.) For another thing, girls have extra worries and stresses. Being a guy is much easier going.

Name 1 thing not many people know about you: I've had approximately three near-death experiences. And I have a close family member in prison (soon to be released).

If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to? Darren Ford. Strong, snappy and confident.

Do you believe in the afterlife? Not really. It's not impossible. I don't really think about it.

On the topic of abortion, how do you feel about cookies? I like them on occasion yes.

I hope you've all found this most informative!

The Gent
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Sunday, 20 February 2011

The Era of Dana Chapter I - New Beginnings

It all started on my second day at college. I walked up the steps to the Annexe, where my first A-level German lesson was to be. I’d made sure I was a few minutes early, of course. I stepped round the corner, and pushed open the heavy doors. Standing just inside, leaning against the wall next to the door to Languages 4, was a girl, looking down at the floor. She had shortish blonde hair, and a friendly face. She gave me a brief smile, and looked back to her feet. Looking around at the wall, I saw a couple of dated German movie posters, and a couple of old chairs. Standing parallel to this girl, I also leant back against the wall, before glancing out of the corner of my eye to her.

Within 20 seconds, another couple of people arrived. Then, our teacher arrived, a cheerful, young woman who shuffled to the door, beamed at us saying ‘Hello!’, then unlocked the door to let us in. The blonde girl was the first to follow her in, and I, on the prowl for someone in the class to latch onto, swept in after her. I followed her around the U-shaped desks right round to the front of the room, and sat next to her. Neither of us said a word. A quiet girl sat to my other side, and timidly said hello. The lesson started.

Little did I know it, but that day was the beginning of one of the most whirlwind and powerful friendships of my life. That was the day everything would begin to change. That was the day my life turned mad.

The first few weeks of the new term went by, and I started talking more to both the girls I sat with. They were both friendly yet quiet, and all three of us interacted kindly yet cautiously. The blonde girl intrigued me. She seemed sweet, giggly, and she played and twiddled with her hair an awful lot.

The blonde girl was Dana Umlaut.

The weeks went by. My birthday came and went. Eventually, we started talking more outside of classes, and this kind girl and I slowly became acquaintances. I should point out that it usually takes quite a while before I consider someone a friend. Most of my friends tend to remain acquaintances for months before I would dare label them as “friend”. However, Dana managed the transition in approximately two months.

By early November, I began to grow anxious about this girl. We were getting better friends, but there was something that I feared. I’d been going to an all-boys school up until a few months before, and therefore had generally not had any female friends for many years. In fact, I’d never really enjoyed having female company on the rare occasion that I’d had to. And I eventually realised that I was no longer in junior school. I was at sixth-form college. Mixed-gender friendships would surely now have a different dynamic. What I feared, like nothing else, was that one day she might ask me out.

Now, most of the time I thought this fear was unfounded. After all, she had a boyfriend. And I was hardly acting flirtatiously with her.

It was just the damned hair-twiddling that worried me. And the rest of our German class was becoming convinced that we were sleeping together. Every lesson we would have to put up with the constant sniggers and comments. And every time such a comment was made, she would blush and look sideways at me to see my reaction, and I’m certain I would look embarrassed in spite of myself. No wonder they thought something was going on. My old school friends were also noticing me spending time with her. Comments of ‘Get in there Joe!’, ‘How is she in bed?’, and ‘How’s your new shag?’ were commonplace.

So, eventually, enough was enough. I had to tell her, in no uncertain terms, that I would never be interested in having a girlfriend. That any girl interested in me would be barking up the wrong tree. So, by the first week of November (just quick-referencing with my old diary), I’d decided to tell her.

It would be another month before I would. One fateful Friday, I went out with one of my old friends to meet her and a couple of other friends near where we go to college. He had brought a bottle of vodka, and when we met up with Dana he gave her the bottle of vodka to stuff into her tiny black clutch bag. He went off to sort some stuff out (I can’t remember what now).

We were under a bus stop. She got up from the bench to put the bottle in her bag, and then started texting. I stared at her, waiting for the words to come up my throat. Cars and vans hurtled by. I would need to raise my voice. It was already dark, and the only light was coming from the reflection of the car lights off of the white advert on the side of the bus stop. Her eyes glanced up at me as she was texting, and then back down to her phone.


“Yes?” She carried on texting.


“I’m gay.”

The texting stopped. Her hair covered her eyes, but I imagined they had widened and gone blank. Her body was still. The sound of traffic vanished into the background. I stared at her, not moving a muscle or saying a word.


“Oh.” She stared blankly at her phone.


“I’m bi.”

She glanced up for the briefest of seconds, then looked down and resumed texting.

“Oh,” I replied blankly, “cool.”


To be continued...

It would be another month before I learned what was going through her head that night.

I had barely begun to scratch the surface of this magnificent, marvellous and mysterious young woman. In the coming months, further developments would push us closer and closer together. And, after sixth months of friendship with her, I would eventually begin meeting her friends. And what followed was the start of a new life, and a new me.

But those are other stories, for another day...


The Gent
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Sunday, 13 February 2011

The "Corridor Crew" - A Cast List

So, according to my 'Mission Statement' I need to write more about people in my life. I am still cautious that writing about friends may not be particularly engaging for any non-members reading, but hopefully my friends may give you an insight into me and my life. And maybe describing them in a humorous manner may make the experience more pleasurable/bearable for you.

(Quick apologies to Dama Umlaut, who is indeed going to get a blog entry of her very own very soon. Alas, it is still not quite finished, so you'll have to wait another week. What's that? You don't want to wait any longer? Tough, I want it to be perfect.)

So I'm beginning with my closest group of friends, who were christened several months ago by CJ as the "Corridor Crew", named thus because we inhabit a corridor at college at lunches and breaks. 

It's very rare for me to have a whole group of friends where I genuinely like every single member individually. But with this lot I do. Whatever drama unfolds (and good God there's a ridiculous amount of drama), I never feel inclined to take sides, such is my strength of feeling for every single one. Everyone is genuinely nice, everyone has a unique spark of brilliance about them, no-one is fake. And, most importantly for me, they are all very strong characters, most of whom wouldn't take any shizzle from anybody. 

So, in alphabetical order by pseudonym so as to avoid any conflicts (the pseudonyms used may be different to those used on CJ's and Dana Umlaut's blogs, because quite frankly I want my own), and presented in the style of a wildlife documentary purely for my own amusement, I would like to introduce you to a few friends of mine:

Cap'n Jack 

One of the few males of the pride. Holds the very great honour of being "Doctor Who buddy". In a long-term relationship with Little Red Riding Hood since three years ago. Enjoys telling me I'm "too posh" to be around him. Believes that I once said that his hair repulses me, when in reality I NEVER SAID THAT!! (I actually said, whilst drunk, that I may consider it a turn-off [I was joking, obviously. Cough.]). Also got offended when I complained that he was "too heavy" after a wrestling match, and now believes that I think he's fat. Will never let me forget these two supposed "insults" for as long as I live. Also dislikes whenever I use my hands to make quotation marks around things when I'm speaking, hence why I have used so many in this entry.

Member of both my English Literature class and my German class. Suspected of occasional lesbian tendencies involving Dana Umlaut. Furthermore, she has also recently had close liaisons with G-Unit. An accomplished linguist, and writer, and artist. Once lived in the Arab Emirates, and speaks Arabic. As well as learning German, she also studies Spanish. Creative and funny. Often spotted wearing a beret. Writer of the marvelous blog Verbal Abuse.

Dana Umlaut
Impulsive, flirtatious, both tough-as-nails and lovingly soft. Loves women. Loves men. An amalgamation of every single personality trait known to man. She is like all the best people I have ever known, merged into one (larger-than-life) being for extra convenience. For more information about this highly dangerous, yet difficult to resist being, stay tuned for a blog entry coming soon.

Intrepid photographer. Occasionally known to display characteristics described as "blokey". Usually seen in checked shirt and jeans. Looks stunning with straightened hair, and wonderfully individual with scruffy sprawling hair. Rather likes Mcfly. Likes women and round-faced/feminine-faced men.

Lara Croft
Named such due to her stunning physique and curves, and her massive walking boots. Secretly an object of desire for several members of the pack. In the opinion of myself and others, she is kind, cute and lovely. However, she warns us that in reality she's a bitch. We have yet to see much of that side of her.

One of the quieter members of the group, unless she has consumed three shots of vodka. Originates from Essex. Gives the impression of being cheerful and shy, but warns us often of her previous personality. Close friends with Señora Evelina.

Little Red Riding Hood
Kind, polite and caring, but also capable of more fiery tendencies. Together with Cap'n Jack forms the Power Couple of the group. Often spotted wearing a distinctive red coat. Has a laugh that makes me smile, and has rosy red cheeks when amused/embarrassed. Do not anger, as she is brilliantly formidable when provoked. When left unprovoked though, she is delightfully pleasant. Plays the clarinet.

Little Miss Sunshine
Named such due to her similarity in appearance to the laughing Sun off the Teletubbies whenever she laughs. One of the more feminine members of the group, and likes Robert Pattinson, Glee and Mcfly. Occasional victim to teasing from myself and Lara Croft. Currently faking a pregnancy and saying that I'm the father. She's lying, by the way. ETA Little Miss Sunshine has since pointed out that she has in fact only watched 2 episodes of Glee. I apologise for any misconceptions I may have created about her.

Madame Jouve
Member of my French class, often to be seen clad in purple woolly clothing. Of the Corridor Crew, probably one of my personal favourite specimens, and one of the three with whom I spend the most time talking/laughing. Recently embarked on 30-day French Grammar course recommended by me. Very happy and contented, and emanates little drama. Often sticks feet out in front of her in the corridor, and should therefore be counted as a tripping hazard. Once resided in France. Enjoys accounting and French films, and works part-time in a bead shop. A rare example of a completely heterosexual female in the pack.

River Song
Holds the important honour of being my first female Doctor Who buddy. Often seen carrying art folders. The type of person who I imagine lives life to the full. Resilient and strong. Distinguishable by her short black hair, and retro head-phones. Shall be one of the three attendees at the Doctor Who Party that me, her and Cap'n Jack are planning.

Señora Evelina
Another acclaimed linguist, speaking Czech and Spanish. Fellow citizen of my hometown (unlike other members of the group who reside a whole hour's drive away). Confident, assured and composed. Possible future career in Law. Old primary school friend who I was reunited with last year. Originates from the Czech Republic. 

There are numerous others, and indeed the group does successfully recruit new members on a regular basis. However, these are probably the main players in my life at the moment. If others rise to prominence in my mind/heart, then they shall of course be added without due haste.

The collective lives of our group could easily fuel a daily soap opera. Actually, if there was a soap opera based on our lives, people would criticise it for being too eventful and unrealistic. The dating chart for our group looked more like a diagram used to explain nuclear fusion.

But despite all of that, they are wonderful. I am genuinely saddened by the fact that in a few months I won't be able to see them every day, and am certain that I shall want to stay close to them in my future life.

"A true friend unbosoms freely, advises justly, assists readily, adventures boldly, takes all patiently, defends courageously, and continues a friend unchangeably."

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival."

"A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked."


The Gent

p.s. Coming next time, a profile of my friendship with Dana Umlaut. Then, after that, some more friends whom are not members of the Corridor Crew (although no less interesting). And then, back to other stuff about life and me me me. 

p.p.s. I apologise for the use of the word "shizzle". It shall not happen again.
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Friday, 28 January 2011

A Mission Statement

It has been a short while since my last blog entry, and for that I sincerely apologise, but I've had exams, and work, and other such important things. But, after more than a few swigs of sherry and wine, I decided it was time to set out my mission statement for where this blog is going to go in the coming weeks. This is more for my benefit than yours to be honest, as it will help me focus my mind and my writing.

So, according to the sentence under the logo at the top of this page, this blog is supposed to be about:
1) ordinary and extraordinary people
2) the end of childhood
3) whether or not I am a proper human being

So, the 2nd focus has been a pretty key element in practically all my entries so far, and the third is probably seeping through a fair bit, especially in my last one about my borderline-obsessive daily routine.

So I think I should spend a bit of time now focussing the first third of my mission statement. Ordinary and extraordinary people.

Of course, there's no such thing as an ordinary person in my life. Everyone I know is extraordinary in their own way (I know, I know, go off to the corner to vomit if you wish). From my old school friends (mostly quite shy, reserved, polite creatures) to my newer college friends (um, slightly less shy, reserved and polite creatures). Alas, before I can speak about most of them I'll have to get CJ to come up with some suitable and preferably humorous pseudonyms for me to assign them.

So get prepared to hear about the people in my life: my friends and family

1) the politics-obsessed, intellectual (and slightly posh/occasionally pompous) boys from my last school
2) my family - continually calm and cheerful even in the face of never-ending strings of drastically dramatic events
3) The Corridor Crew (my main, favourite and indeed most interesting group of friends right now, consisting primarily of an exponentially increasing number of lesbians)

Not to speak of my search for a soul mate, my slightly more important search for a Doctor Who-buddy, and of course the most extraordinary young woman I have ever met. The person who changed my life, irreversibly, forever.

But those, my friends, are all stories for another day...

[mysterious pause for dramatic effect]



The Gent

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Sunday, 16 January 2011

8 Hours Sleep, 8 Hours Work, 8 Hours Play, That's the Best Way to Live Each Day!

(If you enjoy this shamelessly self-help-themed post, you'll probably like The Life Regime as well, featuring many similarly-themed advice posts aimed to improve your everyday standard of living).

No don't worry, this isn't going to be some kind of dreadful self-help post where I inflict my own way of living upon people who I may not even know. I just thought that I would share my life philosophy with you, guaranteed to improve your standard of living in just one week! 

Yeah, okay, maybe I do sound a bit preachy...

Well, I don't care, as it's my blog and I can do and say what I damn well like. So, let's begin, as I explain The Gent's Life Motto #1:

1) I always sleep for at least 8 hours. As in, asleep by 11pm if I'm getting up at 7am the next day. If I receive less than this amount of sleep, I am grouchy, and prone to not engaging in conversation, and to banging my head accidentally against the wall in The Corridor Crew's Corridor (see C.J.'s blog Verbal Abuse and Dana Umlaut's It's All About M.E. for more info).

2) METATONE! With my breakfast I always take a healthy dose of Metatone. It's designed for if you're recovering from severe colds or flu, or from other illnesses, but if I take it I can honestly work all day without getting worn out or run down.

3) Good Breakfasts! At the moment I eat a small bowl of porridge with blueberries and natural yoghurt, a single slice of toast with a single poached egg, a glass of orange juice and a cup of tea. And before making my breakfast, I down a pint of water for rehydration.

4) Water! I love water. I am actually IN LOVE with water. Swimming in it, bathing in it, drinking it - the full works. I bathe each evening in it (up to one hour [taking up one of my 8 hours of play]), and easily up to 4 pints of it flows down my gullet each day.

5) Work! Lots and lots of work! I bathe in work. I LIVE for work. At GCSE, I piled so much on myself that I should have imploded. I did GCSE German from scratch from the beginning of Year 11 outside of school (hour before school on Mondays and Fridays, and an hour after school every other Friday), I did all three sciences even though I didn't like Science and had no intention of doing any at A-level, I took part in a pilot scheme for Additional Mathematics GCSE, I took part in a fund-raising scheme in order to go on a World Challenge expedition for a month to Africa, and I started up a graphic design company with a few other friends, which required our work every single lunchtime and lots of hours of our free time. I basically did 12 full course GCSEs, had to raise £3500 pounds in 18 months and go on expedition preparation trips, and had to help run a successful local business on the side. And I loved every, single, bloody, insane, minute of it.

I've taken it a bit easier the last couple of years since going to college and starting A-levels, but I still love working above all else. However, I decided that I needed more exercise and recreational time in order to better myself further, and to savour the last little bit of my childhood. And also to prevent me from descending further into my MUSTALWAYSBEWORKING insanity.  Thus, to this effect, I started living by the motto in the title. Which leads me on to:

6) 8 hours of play each day. Now, for me, this includes an hour in the bath, the hour in the morning getting ready, the hour it takes to get to college, and the hour it takes to get back from college. And the 2.5 hours I'll probably spend while at college talking to and relaxing with the members of the Corridor Crew. But that still leaves another 1.5 hours in the evening for watching TV, and going for walks with my two wonderful dogs.

So, my average week day now looks like this:

11pm-7am - Slumber (8 Sleep Hours)

7am-8am - getting ready to leave (1 Play Hour [Hey, I like making breakfast and getting washed])

8am-9am - going to college (1 Play Hour [Talking to friends on train/in car counts as play for me])

9am-4:15pm - usually 4.5 hours of work, and 2.5 hours of play (no, I don't know about the other 15 mins either)

4:15-5pm - going home from college (1 Play Hour)

5pm-6pm - relax, and piano practice or dog-walking (if I have an piano exam coming up, my mum has to take them, or they don't get walked) (1 Play hour)

6pm-6:30pm - HOMEWORK TIME (usually shorter tasks and making lists in preparation for later [I love lists!]) (1/2 work hour)

6:30pm-7pm - Dinner Time (1/2 Play Hour)

7pm-8pm - WORK - usually the hardest HW goes here - essays etc. I never spend more than an hour a day doing an essay (The Gent's Life Motto #2) (1 Work Hour)

8pm-9pm - relaxation - BATH TIME (1 Play Hour)

9pm-10pm - more WORK - normally the time for more relaxing work, such as watching French/German news, and doing EngLit work. NEVER Maths though. Maths can only be done in early evening (1 Work Hour)

10pm-11pm - my favourite hour of the day - READING WORK - usually wider reading for EngLit, sometimes French/German novels. I always make sure I have a calming music from EasySleep playing on my MP3 player, and a cup of Camomile tea, and a pint of water, so that I fall asleep straight away at 11 (1 Work Hour)

11pm - Slumber!

And there you have it. 8 hours sleep, 8 hours work, and 8 hours play. My Life. And yes, I'm well aware that university is probably going to screw this all up, and I'll end up having a nervous break-down. But oh well.

I realise straight away that this post has been incredibly self-indulgent. Just ME ME ME, look at how I live!, I like reading!, I do loads of work!, blah blah blah etc. But, quite frankly, if you can't be self-indulgent in your own blog that you yourself made, then where can you be?


The Gent

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Thursday, 6 January 2011

The End of Childhood doesn't seem so disappointing any more

Just a quick post to further my celebrations at the moment, as I've just got a letter giving me an offer to Cambridge to do French and German at Girton College! Today is definitely a good day :D

Obviously, I still need to get the grades first (A*AA), but wherever I go I'm sure that this blog will carry on regardless.

The world truly is a great place, and I wish joy unto you all! (Yes, fine, I have had a couple of swigs of vodka).


The Gent

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Monday, 3 January 2011

Food, Wine and Animal Torture: My Christmas

(In order to read the writing in this post, please click Read More! at the bottom of the post. Otherwise you will view just the first paragraph and all the pictures)

No, don't worry, neither of those large presents were for me. One was a giant under-the-car-bumper lamp thing (!) for my sister's boyfriend, and the other was a food processor for her.

So yes, I thought I'd tell you a bit about Christmas chez moi.

Normally I'm rather disappointed with our Christmas dinner. We always have MASSIVE Sunday roasts each week, but because we usually have 10-12 people at Christmas, the portions become smaller, and I am less satisfied with the quality of our repas. However, this year the portions were much more sizable as my uncle's side of the family didn't come, my grandparents were ill, my great aunt was scared to leave the house because of ice, and another family member's in prison. Hallelujah! Ahem...

So yes, as there were only the five of us (me, Mum, Dad, sister and sister's boyfriend), we had a nice quiet day of massive portions, lots of wine and cruel abuse of our two dogs.

So, the meal:

The food begins being piled up...

Then a bit more...

Finishing touches...


After dinner, we decided to entertain ourselves with some routine humiliation of our pets. My sister's boyfriend tried to get a photo of our Beagle with a Santa's hat on. Needless to say this task became increasingly difficult, as the poor thing didn't particularly enjoy having a piece of itchy fabric held against his head:

Get this thing off of me!                   Get that camera out of my face!               Oh, well, if you must...

One day, master, I will kill you. Slowly and painfully.

Then we tried the same on our other dog:


Ow, stop grabbing the back of my neck, I won't go anywhere, I promise!

Ooh yes, and earlier on in the day I lay the table:

What, I'm not aloud to boast? It's my blog!

And finally, at the end of a long day, it was time to have a nap.

My dad wrapped up on a chair in his blanket:

My dismembered headless father

And my dog more conventionally went to sleep in front of the fire:

We beat her till she lay sobbing on the floor, a shadow of her former self...
Think animal abuse jokes are insensitive? Tough.

Hope you enjoyed these photos of what may be the last Christmas of my childhood (hey, I have to link this post to my blog's theme somehow).


The Gent

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Saturday, 1 January 2011

Greetings World!

Dear Readers,

To me, the idea of writing a blog or even a diary used to seem like a time-consuming waste of time. They were the reserve of only those who had feelings and problems to vent out to the world, not work-obsessed, emotionless, cold-hearted bastards like me (my old form tutor’s words [except the bastard bit], not mine). Why spend time writing about stuff when you can be living it?

Why did I change my tune, then? Well, basically I have recently started reading a blog that one of my best friends for the last few months writes (C.J. – Verbal Abuse), and now the magnificent Dana Umlaut (part-time BF, part-time close sister, sometimes part-time wife) has also started one (It Is All About M.E.). And I now recognise that they can be useful tools for organising thoughts, and talking freely and anonymously about things. Plus it’s a New Year, New Start, “New Me” etc. etc. 

Also, I want to prove to myself that I can do things that aren’t about A-levels or university. Am I capable of talking about feelings/emotions? Do I even have any? Am I even a normal human being? Is work my life? Am I a control-freak? Is work what really matters in life, or are people and friends more important? (Surely not?)

So a tiny little bit about me. I’m an 18-year old college student from Berkshire, England, and I study French, German, English Literature and Maths at a sixth-form college in Hampshire. I like swimming, travelling, reading, Doctor Who, Italian food, the Radio Times, the BBC, Greek yoghurt, polite people and Radio 4. I am happy with life.

I believe that I am a bit of an observer. I love watching people, seeing how they act and interact. For me, the best photos aren’t those with people posing, but those where the people there aren’t even aware that a camera is present (I did just re-read that, and I realise that makes me sound like a bit of a creep). So some of the things I’m going to write about are other people/situations. Not necessarily friends, maybe random strangers. Like the weird man with hip-length blonde hair and leather jacket who walks round Wokingham smiling. Or the plump small woman who gets the same train as me and always eats Mini Cheddars. Or the mean but impossibly handsome train conductor, who is quite possibly the most terrifying man in his 20s who ever lived – imagine the looks of Daniel Craig, the terrorizing gaze of Voldemort, the voice of Alan Rickman, the boyish charm of Zac Efron and the maniacal behaviour of the John Simm-Master.

I also love TV, especially BBC dramas. Victorian/wartime costume dramas, BBC4 biopics and slow-moving foreign-language crime dramas are amongst my favourites. So I’ll probably write about those a fair bit as well. And possibly, if you’re very lucky, the odd book as well.

I might even talk about family a little bit, specifically the Major Crisis that has been at the centre of mine for the last couple of years (a long and complicated story that I don’t fully understand involving numerous prisons, £20 million, and cannabis imported from the Netherlands).

Finally, this is quite a big year for me. The year that I finish A-levels, leave college and go off to university. The year that, finally, I might say goodbye to childhood. A long process that so far has involved leaving secondary school, travelling round Africa for a month, crying at the end of Toy Story 3, and the dreadful realisation that, very soon, I shall have to do adult things, like get a job and buy people Christmas presents and learn to drive (*shudder*).

So that’s all from me for now. See you soon, and I hope you all enjoy what’s coming!


The Gent (an alias created for me courtesy of C.J.)

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