Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Getting To Know Me Part 1 - The Questionnaire

Greetings World!

I was thinking, just the other hour, about how annoying and stupid I used to find some survey things online or on social networking sites could be. You know, the ones with a whole list of questions, like 'Brown bread or white bread?'. People used to clutter up Bebo (Yes, I used to have a Bebo account! Don't judge me!) completing them, and I always turned my nose up and walked away (metaphorically of course). However, I have mellowed in my old age, and can see the possible insights that my readership may gain about myself and my life if I were to complete such a survey. So, behold, my first ever completed Personality Quiz:

Oh, and by the way, you need to click on 'Read More' (just below) to read entire posts. Some readers, not naming any names (*cough*MadamJouve*cough), were not aware of this, and have been viewing only the first paragraph of each post. I apologize for any inconvenience. Also, there's a slight glitch, so you'll have to scroll down a little way (past a random snippet of the post) to click 'Read More'. I've tried to fix it, but it hasn't worked. Very annoying I know.

Apple juice or orange juice? Orange juice! Best drunk with eggs I find.

Are you a morning or night person? Both. I see no reason why I should be one or the other. Saying that, I'm more likely to have fun in the evening (possibly just because that's when party's tend to be held, and when alcoholic beverages tend to be drunk). Nevertheless, if someone had a morning party with vodka, I'm sure I'd be there.

Which do you prefer, sweet or salty foods? Kind of neither. I'm not a massive fan of overly sugary stuff, yet I don't like salt. 

Ninjas or pirates? I have no preference. I enjoy fictional accounts of both, and would be equally scared by both.

Ninjas vs pirates, discuss. Already done as far as I am willing to do. See above.

Autobots or Decepticons? I have no idea what you are talking about.

What was your favorite childhood television program? The Simpsons. My first ever memory is watching The Simpsons on TV. I used to sit on the floor between my big brother and my big sister, with The Simpsons on in front of us. It taught me everything about life. It practically raised me. I even guessed how a man and a woman have sex just watching The Simpsons (I'll explain another time.)

Are you a collector of anything? No. Well, I suppose I get every Doctor Who Magazine if that counts. And I have a massive box which every Radio Times from the last two years has been thrown in (I say thrown, I mean filed in chronological order. Seriously, it's useful for reference purposes). So, maybe I actually do. Yes.

If you could be any animal, what would you be? I don't like the idea of being anywhere unclean for a prolonged amount of time, so I'd probably have to stay a human. I like my comforts.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Invisibility. Just to be nosy really. 

What is usually your first thought when you wake up? What I need to remember to do. Seriously, the second I wake up, a whole bullet pointed list forms in front of me in my mind.

What do you usually think about right before falling asleep? Think about all the things I need to remember to do tomorrow. This ensures that they are the first thing I think of the next morning.

What's your favorite color? Red. 

What's your favorite animal? Ostriches, emus and dogs. Can't choose.

Do you believe in extraterrestrials or life on other planets? I suppose. It's not something I really fret about though.

Do you believe in ghosts? No.

Ever been addicted to a video/computer game? Which one(s)? I don't play computer games. Therefore, no.

You're given 1 million pounds, what do you spend it on? Umm, lots of things. I'd put it in the bank though and not spend it all. A million pounds can last a long time. In fact, with interest, it could probably last you most of your life.

Have any bad habits? I don't think so no. If anyone disagrees, feel free to tell me.

Which bad habits, if any, drive you crazy? Oh God where to begin. Licking your fingers before turning a page, biting your fingernails, talking while I'm trying to watch something, talking while I'm trying to think, talking while I'm talking to someone else, incessant tapping, people being self-deprecating and critical of themselves, chronic lateness, people getting stressed, people getting angry, spitting, aggressive driving, whining/moaning ...  I'm going to stop there.

List 5 of your best personality traits: Self-confidence, happiness, niceness, not overly emotional, don't like conflict

List 5 of your worst personality traits: 
Self-confidence going too far, happiness going too far, niceness going too far, lack of emotions going too far, dislike of conflict going too far

Have any celebrity crushes? Marc Warren, Russel Tovey, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, David Tennant, Matt Smith and John Simm. (And maybe a little bit of Nigella.)

List 1 thing you wish you could change about yourself: Nothing. I like myself.

Any tattoos or piercings? Good God no.

What's the first thing you notice in the opposite sex? ...that they're female. I don't know! Nothing in particular. 

What's the first thing you notice about your own gender? Face, eyes, body, hair, legs, torso, clothes. All at once.

What personality traits do you look for in a partner? Self-confident, happy, nice, but different to me. Maybe slightly less focussed and work-orientated. I like someone contrasted to me. Someone laid-back and pleasant. 

What personality traits do you dislike in other people? Low self-confidence, self-deprecation, nastiness. Pretty lenient about everything else.

Do you see yourself getting married in the next 5 years? I hope not. I'd be very worried about my sanity if I were to do that. 

Are you mostly a clean or messy person? I'm organised and tidy, but I like clutter. I like having a busy/overflowing room, but it has to be clean and organised. And the floor must be visible and crumb-free at all times.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? England. I love travelling and experiencing other countries, but I'd always want to come back here.

If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go? Just one? Hmm... Japan would be cool. But I'd rather finish exploring Europe first. Maybe Latvia. Because its name sounds like a made-up fantasy land.

List 5 goals on your life's to-do list: Be happy, be healthy, make others happy (and healthy), have an enjoyable (and preferably high-paying) job, be successful (and therefore happy and healthy)

Name 1 regret you have: None. Occasionally I unintentionally insult/hurt someone, but I learn from it.

Name 1 thing you miss about being a kid: Playing make-believe games with toys in front of parents. Plotting out whole TV shows/books featuring my toys as characters. I'll have to put some of my ideas/stories that I did when I was younger up. Some are rather disturbing.

Name 1 thing you love about being an adult: Responsibility and pressure. I know that's two, but they come hand in hand. Plus the ability to get away with not caring what others think.

What's your favorite song of the moment? TikTok by Kesha. If I have lots of work to do, I put it on repeat. It makes me work twice as fast; it speeds up my brain. I've listened to it 97 times according to Itunes. I'm listening to it now in fact.

What's your favorite song of all time? Love Story Meets Viva La Vida (on the cello) by Jon Schmidt. It merges two pop songs, and turns them into something truly beautiful. 

What's your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night? Watch a TV boxset/film. Modern Family or The Simpsons if I have nothing else. Loving The Tudors at the moment. 

What's your favorite thing to do on a Sunday afternoon? Work. Saturday's the day for rest and going out and lazing about and watching TV. Although I take 2 hours off to get through Sunday Dinner. Yeah, that's a more normal-sounding answer. My favourite thing to do on a Sunday afternoon is eat loads.

Have any hidden talents? Not really. I'm good at doing work and playing the piano and organising things. But none of those things are really hidden.

You're about to walk the green mile, what do you have as your last meal? I cannot find out what 'the green mile' is. However, presuming it's something that may lead to death, I'd have to say a stir fry mixing all of my favourite foods. With extra spinach leaves.

What would be your dream job? Something fun that pays highly. Or a successful author. Or a TV Drama writer.

Which would you rather have, 100 million dollars or true love? True love. Honestly. I don't care too much for money, beyond having enough to be secure. What would I do with 100 million dollars?

If you could have 3 wishes granted, what would they be? 

1 - Make everyone I know happy with themselves and their lives.
2 - Bring my family all back together in one place again.
3 - Give me a happy life with a nice job and nice partner.

Ever wish you were born the opposite sex? If so, why? Good God no! I love being a man. I'd go insane if I was female. For one thing, I'd have to probably be around lots of other mean young girls being bullies and bitching about each other. (From my experience, 75% of girls between the ages of 10 and 15 are horrible. Being a boy allowed me to escape girls for most of this time by going to an all-boys school. I have been reunited with the "fairer" sex at a time when most are nice human beings again. Obviously, all my close female friends now were in the 25% that were nice between the ages of 10 and 15. I think.) For another thing, girls have extra worries and stresses. Being a guy is much easier going.

Name 1 thing not many people know about you: I've had approximately three near-death experiences. And I have a close family member in prison (soon to be released).

If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to? Darren Ford. Strong, snappy and confident.

Do you believe in the afterlife? Not really. It's not impossible. I don't really think about it.

On the topic of abortion, how do you feel about cookies? I like them on occasion yes.

I hope you've all found this most informative!

The Gent

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