Friday, 28 January 2011

A Mission Statement

It has been a short while since my last blog entry, and for that I sincerely apologise, but I've had exams, and work, and other such important things. But, after more than a few swigs of sherry and wine, I decided it was time to set out my mission statement for where this blog is going to go in the coming weeks. This is more for my benefit than yours to be honest, as it will help me focus my mind and my writing.

So, according to the sentence under the logo at the top of this page, this blog is supposed to be about:
1) ordinary and extraordinary people
2) the end of childhood
3) whether or not I am a proper human being

So, the 2nd focus has been a pretty key element in practically all my entries so far, and the third is probably seeping through a fair bit, especially in my last one about my borderline-obsessive daily routine.

So I think I should spend a bit of time now focussing the first third of my mission statement. Ordinary and extraordinary people.

Of course, there's no such thing as an ordinary person in my life. Everyone I know is extraordinary in their own way (I know, I know, go off to the corner to vomit if you wish). From my old school friends (mostly quite shy, reserved, polite creatures) to my newer college friends (um, slightly less shy, reserved and polite creatures). Alas, before I can speak about most of them I'll have to get CJ to come up with some suitable and preferably humorous pseudonyms for me to assign them.

So get prepared to hear about the people in my life: my friends and family

1) the politics-obsessed, intellectual (and slightly posh/occasionally pompous) boys from my last school
2) my family - continually calm and cheerful even in the face of never-ending strings of drastically dramatic events
3) The Corridor Crew (my main, favourite and indeed most interesting group of friends right now, consisting primarily of an exponentially increasing number of lesbians)

Not to speak of my search for a soul mate, my slightly more important search for a Doctor Who-buddy, and of course the most extraordinary young woman I have ever met. The person who changed my life, irreversibly, forever.

But those, my friends, are all stories for another day...

[mysterious pause for dramatic effect]



The Gent

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